Brand dedicated to performance, reserved for professional use, meeting the highest criteria of efficiency and environmental requirements and associated with technical marketing oriented "professionals"
Brand combining performance and cost control, associated with attractive and “mass market” oriented marketing
Brand dedicated to cost control oriented ‘Calls for Tenders’ and ‘Hard-Discount’. They offer a first-class price/kg ratio and guarantee reduced washing costs.
Authentic Marseille soaps and detergents with a high content of plant active ingredients, formulated with real Marseille soap.
100% Ecocert brand offering a range of products that respect people and the environment without any concession on efficiency.
Factory service : +33 (0)4 91 10 30 97
Plateform service :+33 (0)4 72 59 14 40
Factory sales admin :
Plateform sales admin
Innoclean 66, Chemin de Sainte Marthe 13014 Marseille - France
PLMS 51, Avenue Rosa Parks - Le Parks 69009 Lyon - France
Innoclean 66, Chemin de Sainte Marthe 13014 Marseille - France PLMS 51, Avenue Rosa Parks - Le Parks 69009 Lyon - France ADV Usine : +33 (0)4 91 10 30 97 ADV plateforme : +33 (0)4 72 59 14 40